FFS Covid-19 Information

Updated 2022 Covid Safety Information

As stated in the Pandemic Plan, FFS believes that the best learning environment for our students is in-person instruction, and it is our goal to keep our campus open for learning. In order to do this as safely as possible, we have COVID safety updates to share with everyone before school resumes.

The health and safety of students and the FFS community is our top priority. In light of the current COVID-19 surge and the predominance of the omicron variant in our area, the Pandemic Response Team has reviewed and revised our Covid health and safety policies and procedures. The revised plan includes some important changes and clarifications that will be in place for the winter months. Please review this information before returning to school on January 3rd and reach out to me, Kellie Gilroy, Asst. Head of School for Operations at kgilroy@frankfordfriends.org if you have any questions.


  • Students will remain grouped solely with their own cohorts throughout the school day.

  • Teachers and staff will consistently require students to practice proper handwashing and respiratory etiquette

  • Students will eat outside, socially distanced, weather permitting

  • FFS will supply outdoor heating units to keep everyone warm and comfortable while outside in the winter months

  • When not possible to eat outside due to inclement weather, strict protocols for social distancing and silent eating will be in place in the classroom

  • Teachers will continue to keep seating chart records for contact tracing, if necessary

  • Due to the necessity for safety and social distancing, FFS will not be accepting drop-ins in the Extended Day Program during the month of January. If your child does not regularly attend Extended Day, please be sure to make arrangements for them to be picked up from school promptly between 2:55-3:05 daily. We’ll reassess this policy at the end of January.

  • Students who are required to quarantine will be provided work from their teachers along with opportunities to check in together via Google Meet.


  • Make sure your child has an appropriate, well-fitted mask. KN95, N95, or snugly fitted surgical masks (better doubled) are the masks that are currently recommended to prevent transmission of the highly contagious omicron variant.

  • Send your child to school with appropriate winter clothing to be warm in outside weather

  • If your child continues to wear a cloth mask, please make sure it is at least three-layers and fits snugly over the nose, mouth and chin

  • If you haven’t done so already, get yourself and your child vaccinated.

  • Don’t forget to get your booster!

  • Submit your and/or your child’s updated vaccine status to FFS, please click HERE. This information is required for enrollment or employment at FFS.


1. Please strictly abide: Keep your child home and contact the Pandemic Coordinator if they present with COVID-19 symptoms:

  • Fever or chills

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing *not associated with pre-existing conditions

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhea

What to do:

If your child has any of the above symptoms, you should keep them at home and share this information directly with the Asst. Head of School for Operations at

kgilroy@frankfordfriends.org or the FFS Pandemic Coordinator at pandemicresponse@frankfordfriends.org Your child’s teacher will contact you about any work that can be done from home.

NOTE: Any student with potential Covid symptoms will be required to submit a negative result from a PCR test before returning to school. Rapid tests will not be accepted.

2. Your child or a member of the household is exposed to COVID-19 Positive Persons:

Unvaccinated Students:

  • Keep them at home and share this information directly with the Asst. Head of School for Operations at kgilroy@frankfordfriends.org or the FFS Pandemic Coordinator at pandemicresponse@frankfordfriends.org.

  • Take a PCR test five days after exposure. The student may return seven days after exposure with a negative test result OR quarantine for 10 days.

Vaccinated Students:

  • Carefully monitor your child for symptoms and share this information directly with the Asst. Head of School for Operations at kgilroy@frankfordfriends.org or the FFS Pandemic Coordinator at pandemicresponse@frankfordfriends.org.

  • If symptoms present, your child will be required to quarantine or take a PCR test five days after exposure.

3. Your child is traveling by air:

  • Communicate travel plans to the Pandemic Coordinator prior to departure.

  • FFS requires all unvaccinated students to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test before returning to school

4. You have any questions about COVID-19 and your student

All information regarding your student and any illness will be communicated to your child’s teacher by the Pandemic Coordinator. We will make sure that the teacher communicates with you and your child regarding any work that they may be able to do from home.

FFS Community Health Policy

FFS Health Policy.pdf